Robot Rumble ALPHA

Robot poggers

Python robot by boey


The Alpha Board

rating: 2207  last published: 04/01/24
02/22 17:01 UTC #14994 (+6) basic 1892
02/22 04:46 UTC #14991 (+1) gigachad 1570
02/21 16:16 UTC #14986 (+0) crystal 1246
02/21 15:31 UTC #14982 (+0) seven-of-nine 1123
02/21 15:31 UTC #14981 (+0) seven-of-nine 1124
02/21 03:15 UTC #14977 chaos-legion 1987

King of the Hill Tournament

rating: 526  last published: 04/01/24
04/15 05:20 UTC #12449 (-4) basic-hill 1060
04/14 17:05 UTC #12435 (-38) basic 578
04/14 03:50 UTC #12416 (-11) my-boomstick 937
04/13 15:35 UTC #12402 (-3) hank-hill 1208
04/13 03:20 UTC #12388 (-7) basic-hill 1058
04/12 15:05 UTC #12377 (-57) basic 552