Robot Rumble ALPHA
try it!
gloms = dict() glom_lookup = dict() target_ids = dict() claimed_locations = set() center = Coords(9, 9) def nearest(team, unit): if team and len(team): return min(team, key=lambda e: e.coords.walking_distance_to(unit.coords)) return None # Credit to mitch84 for writing the walk_to and retreat methods for the bot retreat_walk2 def walk_to(state, from_coords, to_coords): x = to_coords.x - from_coords.x y = to_coords.y - from_coords.y xdir = Direction.East if x > 0 else Direction.West ydir = Direction.South if y > 0 else Direction.North blanks = [] for direction in Direction: possible_location = from_coords + direction other = state.obj_by_coords(possible_location) if not other: blanks.append(direction) if abs(x) > abs(y) and xdir in blanks and from_coords + xdir not in claimed_locations: return xdir elif abs(y) >= abs(x) and ydir in blanks and from_coords + ydir not in claimed_locations: return ydir elif xdir in blanks and from_coords + xdir not in claimed_locations: return xdir elif ydir in blanks and from_coords + ydir not in claimed_locations: return ydir elif blanks and from_coords + blanks[0] not in claimed_locations: return blanks[0] else: return None def count_adj_enemies(state, coords): enemies = 0 for d in Direction: location = coords + d other = state.obj_by_coords(location) if other and == state.other_team: enemies += 1 return enemies # Credit for this method to atl15, taken from the bot centerrr # checking if bot is in spawn spawn_coords = [ (14, 2), (13, 2), (16, 4), (16, 5), (16, 13), (16, 14), (14, 16), (13, 16), (4, 16), (5, 16), (2, 14), (2, 13), (2, 4), (4, 2), ] def check_spawn(unit_coord): if ( unit_coord.x == 1 or unit_coord.x == 17 or unit_coord.y == 1 or unit_coord.y == 17 ): return True for coord in spawn_coords: if unit_coord.x == coord[0] and unit_coord.y == coord[1]: return True return False def retreat(state, unit): return retreat_inner(state, unit, unit.coords) def retreat_inner(state, unit, coords): enemies = [] blanks = [] walls = [] for direction in Direction: new_location = coords + direction other = state.obj_by_coords(new_location) if other and == state.other_team: enemies.append(other) elif (not other or new_location == unit.coords) and new_location not in claimed_locations: blanks.append((direction, count_adj_enemies(state, new_location))) enemies = sorted(enemies, key=lambda e: * -1) blanks = sorted(blanks, key=lambda tup: tup[1]) do_retreat = False if state.turn % 10 == 0: blanks = [space for space in blanks if not check_spawn(coords+space[0])] do_retreat = check_spawn(coords) if do_retreat and blanks: return blanks[0][0] elif not blanks or not enemies or len(enemies) < blanks[0][1]: return None # retreat if more than one enemy and there is room to retreat elif len(enemies) >= and blanks: return blanks[0][0] elif enemies[0].health > return blanks[0][0] else: return None def init_turn(state): global gloms global glom_lookup global claimed_locations global center allies = state.objs_by_team(state.our_team) enemies = state.objs_by_team(state.other_team) unglommed = set(allies + enemies) center = Coords(9, 9) gloms = dict() glom_lookup = dict() claimed_locations = set() def glom_neighbors(bot, glom, unglommed): glom['bots'].add(bot) glom['health'] += neighbors = [e for e in unglommed if e and e.coords.walking_distance_to(bot.coords) < 3] for neighbor in neighbors: if == and neighbor in unglommed: unglommed.remove(neighbor) glom_lookup[] = glom_lookup[] glom_neighbors(neighbor, glom, unglommed) return glom while len(unglommed): current = unglommed.pop() if not glom_lookup.get( glom_lookup[] = len(gloms) gloms[glom_lookup[]] = glom_neighbors(current, {'bots': set(), 'health': 0}, unglommed) if( == state.our_team): target_ids[glom_lookup[]] = nearest(enemies, current).id def robot(state, unit): allies = state.objs_by_team(state.our_team) enemies = state.objs_by_team(state.other_team) glom_id = glom_lookup[] glom = gloms[glom_id] enemy = state.obj_by_id(target_ids[glom_id]) enemy_glom = gloms[glom_lookup[]] enemy = nearest(enemy_glom['bots'], unit) nearest_enemy = nearest(enemies, unit) if not enemy: enemy = nearest_enemy attack_direction = unit.coords.direction_to(enemy.coords) debug.inspect('glom', glom) debug.inspect('target', enemy) retreat_direction = retreat(state, unit) if retreat_direction: debug.inspect('action', 'retreat') claimed_locations.add(unit.coords + retreat_direction) return Action.move(retreat_direction) if unit.coords.walking_distance_to(nearest_enemy.coords) == 1 and < debug.inspect('action', 'finishing blow') return Action.attack(unit.coords.direction_to(nearest_enemy.coords)) # If our gang is bigger, kill em elif len(enemy_glom['bots']) < len(glom['bots']) or glom['health'] > enemy_glom['health']: if (len(glom['bots']) > 1 and unit.coords.walking_distance_to(enemy.coords) == 1) or (len(glom['bots']) == 1 and unit.coords.walking_distance_to(enemy.coords) == 2): debug.inspect('action', 'attack') return Action.attack(attack_direction) debug.inspect('action', 'swarm') move_direction = walk_to(state, unit.coords, enemy.coords) if move_direction: would_retreat = retreat_inner(state, unit, unit.coords + move_direction) if not would_retreat: claimed_locations.add(unit.coords + move_direction) return Action.move(move_direction) ally = nearest([ally for ally in allies if != and glom_lookup[] != glom_id], unit) if ally: debug.inspect('ally', ally) move_direction = walk_to(state, unit.coords, ally.coords) if move_direction: would_retreat = retreat_inner(state, unit, unit.coords + move_direction) if not would_retreat: debug.inspect('action', 'glomming') claimed_locations.add(unit.coords + move_direction) return Action.move(move_direction) center_direction = walk_to(state, unit.coords, center) if center_direction: would_retreat = retreat_inner(state, unit, unit.coords + center_direction) if not would_retreat: debug.inspect('action', 'take the center') claimed_locations.add(unit.coords + center_direction) return Action.move(center_direction) location_unit = state.obj_by_coords(unit.coords.__add__(attack_direction.to_coords)) if location_unit and not == debug.inspect('action', 'fight to the death') return Action.attack(attack_direction)
Made with <3 by Anton and Noa
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