Robot Rumble ALPHA
try it!
import typing class GameState(): def __init__(self, state): self._state = state self._obstacles = [] self._empty = [] for i in range(0, MAP_SIZE): for j in range(0, MAP_SIZE): p = Coords(j, i) if not state.id_by_coords(p): self._empty.append(p) else: self._obstacles.append(p) self._enemies = self._state.objs_by_team(self._state.other_team) @property def enemies(self) -> typing.List[Obj]: return self._enemies def is_empty(self, pos) -> bool: return pos in self._empty def eligible_moves(self, from_pos): return list(filter(lambda x: self.is_empty(x), from_pos.coords_around())) def do_move(self, from_pos, action): if not action: return if action.type == ActionType.Attack: target = from_pos + action.direction idx = None for (i, e) in enumerate(self._enemies): if e.coords == target: idx = i break if not idx: return if self._enemies[idx].__data["health"] > 1: self._enemies[idx].__data["health"] -= 1 else: del self._enemies[idx] elif action.type == ActionType.Move: to_pos = from_pos + action.direction self._obstacles.remove(from_pos) self._obstacles.append(to_pos) self._empty.remove(to_pos) self._empty.append(from_pos) class Robot(): def __init__(self, unit) -> None: self._unit = unit self._action = None self._target = None @property def pos(self) -> Coords: return self._unit.coords @property def id(self) -> str: return @property def hp(self) -> int: return @property def action(self) -> typing.Optional[Action]: if self._action: return self._action else: None @property def target(self) -> typing.Optional[Obj]: return self._target def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.pos} {}, {self.hp}>" # micro def select_closest_target(self, gstate): closest_enemy = min( gstate.enemies, key=lambda enemy: self.pos.distance_to(enemy.coords)) self._target = closest_enemy def is_eligible_move(self, gstate, direction) -> bool: new_pos = self._unit.coords + direction return new_pos in gstate.eligible_moves(self.pos) def micro_logic(self, gstate): if not self._target: self.select_closest_target(gstate) if not self._target: self._action = None return direction = self._unit.coords.direction_to(self._target.coords) if self.pos.distance_to(self._target.coords) == 1: self._action = Action.attack(direction) elif self.is_eligible_move(gstate, direction): self._action = Action.move(direction) else: self._action = None def do_action(self, gstate) -> typing.Optional[Action]: gstate.do_move(self.pos, self.action) return self.action # global State globalState = None def init_turn(state): global globalState globalState = GameState(state) def robot(state, unit): r = Robot(unit) r.micro_logic(globalState) print(f"{r.pos}:{globalState.eligible_moves(r.pos)} | target (pos: {}, hp: {}) -> {r.action}") return r.do_action(globalState)
Made with <3 by Anton and Noa
github org