Robot Rumble ALPHA
try it!
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring,missing-module-docstring # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring,invalid-name,too-few-public-methods import random from enum import Enum from typing import List if False: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test try: from api import Coords, Direction, Obj, ObjType, State, Team except: # nosec pylint: disable=bare-except pass AType = Enum('AType', 'move attack wait') class Score: def __init__(self, state: State) -> None: self.our_points = len(state.objs_by_team(state.our_team)) self.other_points = len(state.objs_by_team(state.other_team)) self.our_health = sum( [ for x in state.objs_by_team(state.our_team)]) self.other_health = sum( [ for x in state.objs_by_team(state.other_team)]) @property def points(self) -> int: ''' Returns delta between our and other points ''' return self.our_points - self.other_points @property def health(self) -> int: ''' Returns delta between our and other health ''' return self.our_health - self.other_health def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return (self.points, == (other.points, def __gt__(self, other) -> bool: return not self.__lt__(other) def __ge__(self, other) -> bool: return not self.__le__(other) def __le__(self, other) -> bool: return self.points <= other.points or ( self.points == other.points and <= self.other_health) def __lt__(self, other) -> bool: return self.points < other.points or (self.points == other.points and < self.other_health) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Score(%dp/%dh | %dp/%dh )" % (self.our_points, self.our_health, self.other_points, self.other_health) class ActionChoice: def __init__(self, _type: AType, _dir: Direction, coord): self.type = _type self.dir = _dir if _type == AType.wait: self.coord = coord else: self.coord = coord + _dir self.score = None def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.type == AType.move: _type = "MOVE" elif self.type == AType.wait: _type = "WAIT" elif self.type == AType.attack: _type = "ATCK" dir_name = "Here" if self.dir: dir_name = return "%s[%s] (%s, %s)" % (_type, self.score, dir_name, self.coord) def generate_all_actions(coord) -> List[ActionChoice]: return [ ActionChoice(AType.wait, None, coord), ActionChoice(AType.move, Direction.North, coord), ActionChoice(AType.move, Direction.East, coord), ActionChoice(AType.move, Direction.South, coord), ActionChoice(AType.move, Direction.West, coord), ActionChoice(AType.attack, Direction.North, coord), ActionChoice(AType.attack, Direction.East, coord), ActionChoice(AType.attack, Direction.South, coord), ActionChoice(AType.attack, Direction.West, coord), ] def enemies_coords(state: State) -> List[Coords]: return [x.coords for x in state.objs_by_team(state.other_team)] def has_legal_coord(c: Coords) -> bool: if c.x <= 0 or c.x > 17 or c.y <= 0 or c.y > 17: return False if c.y <= 5 - c.x: return False if c.y <= c.x - 13: return False if c.y >= c.x + 13: return False if c.y >= 31 - c.x: return False return True def legal_actions(coord) -> List[ActionChoice]: return [x for x in generate_all_actions(coord) if has_legal_coord(x.coord)] def remove_stupid_actions(state: State, choices: List[ActionChoice]) -> List[ActionChoice]: em_coords = enemies_coords(state) result = [] for ac in choices: # do not move in to enemies if ac.type == AType.move and ac.coord not in em_coords: result.append(ac) # only attack if coord has an enemy elif ac.type == AType.attack and ac.coord in em_coords: result.append(ac) elif ac.type == AType.wait: result.append(ac) return result def execute_choice(choice: ActionChoice): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if choice.type == AType.move: return Action.move(choice.dir) if choice.type == AType.attack: return Action.attack(choice.dir) return None def filter_best_action_choices( choices: List[ActionChoice]) -> List[ActionChoice]: choices.sort(key=lambda x: x.score) best = choices[-1] return [ac for ac in choices if ac.score == best.score] def current_score(state: State) -> int: our_score = sum([ for x in state.objs_by_team(state.our_team)]) other_score = sum([ for x in state.objs_by_team(state.other_team)]) return our_score - other_score def adjacent(coord: Coords) -> List[Coords]: tmp = [ Coords(coord.x - 1, coord.y), Coords(coord.x + 1, coord.y), Coords(coord.x, coord.y - 1), Coords(coord.x, coord.y + 1), ] return [x for x in tmp if has_legal_coord(x)] def count_simulated_attacks(state, coord: Coords, team: Team) -> Score: result = 0 neighbours = adjacent(coord) enemy_coords = [x.coords for x in state.objs_by_team(team)] for n in neighbours: if n in enemy_coords: result += 1 return result def simulate_attack(state: State, score: Score, to: Coords, team: Team) -> Score: # simulate attack by our team enemy_unit: Obj = state.obj_by_coords(to) assert enemy_unit.obj_type == ObjType.Unit # nosec enemy_unit_health = enemy_units_coords = [x.coords for x in state.objs_by_team(team)] damage = 0 for x in adjacent(to): if x in enemy_units_coords: damage += 1 if enemy_unit_health == damage: break assert damage <= enemy_unit_health # nosec score.other_health -= damage if damage == score.other_points -= 1 return score def score_choices(state: State, choices: List[ActionChoice]): cur_score = Score(state) for choice in choices: choice.score = cur_score if choice.type == AType.wait: choice.score = simulate_attack(state, choice.score, choice.coord, state.other_team) elif choice.type == AType.attack: choice.score = simulate_attack(state, choice.score, choice.coord, state.our_team) choice.score = simulate_attack(state, choice.score, choice.coord + choice.dir.opposite, state.other_team) def robot(state: State, unit: Obj): choices = remove_stupid_actions(state, legal_actions(unit.coords)) if not choices: return None score_choices(state, choices) best_choices = filter_best_action_choices(choices) # debug.inspect('ALL', generate_all_choices()) for (i, v) in enumerate(choices): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable debug.inspect('Action %d' % i, v) choice = random.choice(best_choices) # nosec debug.inspect("Picked ⇒ ", choice) # pylint: disable=undefined-variable return execute_choice(choice) # nosec def init_turn(state) -> None: our_score = len(state.objs_by_team(state.our_team)) other_score = len(state.objs_by_team(state.other_team)) delta_score = our_score - other_score print("SCORE: %d / %d ⇒ %d" % (our_score, other_score, delta_score))
Made with <3 by Anton and Noa
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