Robot Rumble ALPHA

Robot gigachad

Open Source Python robot by entropicdrifter

My fourth bot.

Gigachad (originally named hannibal) was number 1 on the Alpha Board from November 2022 till December 2023 (to my recollection at least). It was designed to be a deep improvement on seven-of-nine. Where Seven cleaned up and refined the logic for we-are-borg, the idea of Gigachad was 2-fold: simulate the enemy's turn as well as possible and use recursion in order to resolve movement hierarchically with low-health retreats receiving the highest priority.

There are likely still a few bugs left in the implementation, at this point likely due to my sloppy architectural non-philosophy of just hacking on fixes to one problem at a time. My next bot will have a much more intentional design now that I have some experience at thinking through the problems of more advanced bots.

I'm open-sourcing gigachad now so that hopefully other bots will grow stronger off of training against it.


The Alpha Board

rating: 1572  last published: 11/07/24
02/22 17:01 UTC #14995 (+2) seven-of-nine 1114
02/22 04:46 UTC #14991 (-2) poggers 2201
02/22 04:16 UTC #14989 (+5) crystal 1244
02/21 16:01 UTC #14985 (-5) basic 1912
02/21 15:46 UTC #14983 (-4) chaos-legion 1990
02/21 03:45 UTC #14980 (+0) tutorialbot 894