Robot Rumble ALPHA

Robot chaos-legion

Python robot by grumjug

(previously named chaos-squad) this is a rule based bot with no macro strategy. its not the smartest, but its unpredictable and chaotic nature makes it a formidable and entertaining opponent


The Alpha Board

rating: 1970  last published: 03/24/24
07/10 09:08 UTC #13681 (+5) gigachad 1651
07/09 20:53 UTC #13678 crystal 1288
07/09 08:38 UTC #13676 (+27) poggers 2189
07/08 20:08 UTC #13672 (+1) seven-of-nine 1324
07/08 07:38 UTC #13668 (+10) basic 1781
07/07 19:23 UTC #13663 (+0) glommer 1002